Monday, December 13, 2021

Dodge Dealership in El Paso, TX, Shares Great Holiday Travel Tips


We’ve all been there. Stuck in traffic for hours on end. Squeezing into the crowd at the airport and trying not to lose our luggage. We have to go through the same scenario each year during the holiday season. Guess what—it’s going to be the same this year despite all the travel restrictions. But a Dodge dealership in El Paso, TX, has a few tips that can ease things up a bit for travelers during this holiday season.

Know What Time Roads Are Most Congested

Traffic can be pretty messy in the days leading to Christmas eve. As much as you want to take the entire week off to avoid traffic jams, you can’t because you still have to go to work. Fortunately, traffic congestion in most metropolitan areas only occurs during the peak hours—2PM to 5 PM—so one thing you can do is to avoid traveling within this period. You can drive home early or late, depending on your schedule.

Strictly Observe Carry-on Luggage Guidelines

To avoid further delay in your journey, make sure you follow airline policy. Read it carefully, especially the part that specifies the objects and chemicals you cannot put inside your carry-on luggage. The last thing you want is to be stopped at the checkpoint and told to unpack your things for a thorough check. Not only is it inconvenient to put things out and back in, but you may also feel uncomfortable showing some of your personal items to complete strangers.

Find Out About New Routes and Parking Spaces

Whether you’ve been traveling within the same area for years or you are new to the place, it’s very easy to lose your way once the local government switches routes, terminals, and parking spaces to prepare for the Christmas rush. This is why it’s crucial that you ask for an updated pedestrian map of your city, so you would know where you are allowed and not allowed to travel and park your car. Even during a regular day, routes can swiftly change when there’s an on-going large-scale construction in your area.

Keep an Eye Out on the Weather

Nothing is more frustrating than having to postpone, or worse yet cancel, a trip you’ve been planning for weeks because of a bad weather condition. You can avoid this by keeping watch on the weather in the news or through a mobile app. If you have even the slightest idea what the weather will be in your destination, you can prepare for it. In case you need to park your vehicle, you can make a reservation for a covered spot to ensure your car is safe throughout the weekend.

Being prepared before hitting the road to celebrate the holiday season with your family can help prevent delays and accidents. Whether you are commuting or driving your own vehicle, these tips from your local Dodge dealership in El Paso, TX can mean the difference between a worthwhile celebration and a stressful one. Check out Viva CDJRF for more helpful tips.

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