Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Ram Dealers in Deming, NM, Share Thanksgiving Road Trip Safety Tips


Thanksgiving is best celebrated with the whole family in your parents’ home. But the heavy traffic and long drive during the long holiday weekend can be daunting. Whether your trip takes a few hours or an entire day, you are not exempt from the dangers on the road. Ram dealers in Deming, NM share a few driving safety tips for Thanksgiving and any other major holiday.

Stay for a week or two

You’re probably planning on only staying for Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, and the weekend–that’s what most working Americans do. They can’t stay for too long due to work. But, if you file for a leave of absence early and combine all your available leaves for this one occasion, you might be lucky to have an extended stay. This way, you can travel on Monday when roads are still empty and return the following Monday when the post-Thanksgiving traffic has subsided. It’s easier and safer to travel when fewer vehicles are around you.

Take your time

Another benefit of an early trip is you can take your time. You don’t have to speed up unless one of your passengers needs to use the restroom. In fact, you can take a little detour to visit some of the attractions in the cities you’ll pass through. There are plenty of theme parks in New Mexico that your children will absolutely love. You can also use each stop to stretch your arms and legs. Ram dealers in Deming, NM recommend at least a 15-minute break every few dozen kilometers to keep a firm grip on the wheels.

Make road safety a teamwork

Traveling with your kids is hard work because you need to keep an eye out for them while focusing on the road. You don’t want them rolling down the windows and sticking their heads out on a freeway. You can concentrate on driving better if the whole family looks out for each other. Let everyone understand basic road safety by making a list of dos and don’ts before you hit the road. Include what time and where each stop will be so they can relieve themselves accordingly. You can also give them a map, so they know how much longer it takes to reach your destination and not keep asking you about it.

Guard up on highways

Highways may seem safer than regular roads as you don’t have to slow down or stop for crossing pedestrians or avoid oncoming traffic, but they are also rowdier and have fast lanes. Additionally, this is where huge trucks and trailers travel. They are known to cause nasty accidents. Therefore, you have to stay on guard on the highway and never get out of your lane unless necessary. Also, because the road has multiple lanes, it can be hard to catch your exit, so watch your navigation closely to know where the exit is and be prepared to turn safely to the side when you’re close.

A responsible driver will also thoroughly check their vehicle before a long drive. Consider this in your pre-Thanksgiving to-dos. Nothing feels more relieving than knowing you can reach your destination safely because your car is in perfect condition. Check out Viva CDJRF for more helpful tips.

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