Tuesday, October 5, 2021

RAM Dealers near Deming, NM Show How to Prepare Your Car for Autumn

As the colder autumn weather creeps closer, it opens many unique seasonal hazards that can make driving more difficult. Whether it’s your tires losing traction or your windshield getting defenseless against accidental cracks, you need to get your car ready for whatever disaster the chilly fall weather brings. For this reason, RAM dealers near Deming, NM, share some handy tips on how to prepare and care for your car.

Give your vehicle a good wash and wax.

The changing of seasons is a perfect excuse to give your vehicle a good scrub and wax. You need to pay special attention to your windshield and headlights. Dirty windshields and headlights can hinder visibility, which can be a problem, especially during foggy mornings. While you’re at it, you might also want to give your car an excellent wax. The wax can protect your vehicle from harsh elements like rain, sleet, or snow.

Check your car’s antifreeze level.

Antifreeze, also known as coolant, regulates the engine’s temperature to keep everything running smoothly. Unfortunately, your coolant can be negatively affected by the changing weather. Summer can make the coolant lose its more critical properties, and the warm temperature can make its texture oily. Inspect your car’s antifreeze levels if it is still at the optimum level. If the coolant is already dirty or sludgy, then you should consider draining and replacing all of it.

Inspect your tires.

The overall condition of your tires is essential, especially when driving over mulch and other debris caused by autumn. Make sure your tires are rotated and well-aligned. Also, don’t forget to measure the tire treads as cold weather affects tire tread, which can be devastating to your brake and handling performance. As much as possible, invest in winter tires since these are specially made for slippery roads.

Get some all-weather floor mats.

Aside from winter tires, another worthy investment is purchasing and installing all-weather floor mats. People often disregard what goes beyond the floor mat, which is why some vehicles unknowingly end up with rusting car floors. An all-weather floor mat will protect your car’s floors against the elements like water, dirt, and grime. They are also a lot sturdier than your typical floor mat and will probably last for a much longer time.

Start preparing for the cold weather.

Regardless of the time of the year, getting stranded in the middle of an unfamiliar road with no means of help is scary. To prevent this from ever happening, you need to prepare for the worst. The best you can do is to pack an appropriate emergency kit for roadside emergencies. Your autumn kit should at least include a first aid kit, a flashlight and a pack of extra batteries, jumper cables, winter gloves, a blanket, a pair of socks, an ice scraper, and some non-perishable food just in case you get stranded during lousy weather.

Need to know more about how to prepare your vehicle against the cold autumn weather? Check out Viva CDJRF for more helpful tips. 

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